Saturday, May 14, 2011

Association of Abused Men and Women

Nobody can change what happened to you. It is sometimes too deep of a scar on your id that overpowers others, leading to a broken heart, alienation, and many times a tragic life ending far before its time, or worse, the penal system, then all too often, ruination. Suicide is often a release, or a relief, because a cool and determined person will gladly take their own lives, rather than spend a lifetime of defending themselves against a world that hates because you are a loser. All that can change when you can consider that anything you can walk away from is a whole lot better than all those other children who did not at the hands of all those beasts from Hell, who cannot go one day without spilling their seed.

I am a witness to a crime by discovering a pink pair of shorts and a pink T-shirt pressed into the dirt with a hypodermic needle at its little side... I heard late on a Friday or Saturday night three girls scream, then two, then one, then silence. A deafening silence. It seemed as if all the wildlife fell silent, and not even the trees rustled in the wind. Silence. Sickening silence... I am a witness to a murder. I heard a woman chattering an Asian dialect when, BANG! I looked and saw the woman drop to the floor; dead before she hit the floor. Then the killer looked at me from the back window of Frenchie's Massage Parlor, and would look at me a few more times in passing as he reached into his jacket pocket while I reached into my coat pocket with broken glass pieces and twirled my fingers, causing him, and a good number of Jews on the federal payroll who dogged my every step from Florida, to D.C., to Ohio, to San Jose and San Francisco, to freeze and back away in fear. Also, a silver crucifix around my neck has caused many a Jew to react. Dr. Karasic turns his back and looks over his shoulder, sees it and turns back around while we are negotiating my medicine; Lynne Robinson up and left the room when she was in the middle of a tyraid, because I looked her in the eyes and held up my silver crucifix... and Gary Groffman cringed and bared his teeth and contorted and said, "It burns!"

My children, wear your silver crucifix on the outside of your clothing, showing the world the origins of Modern Western Civilization; a civilization that embraced democracy, spread it over the known world, and has revived after a two-thousand year-long, bloody fight to the finish, with China being the last to fall to the democratic aspirations of its People.

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